Auteur / Author
Voermans, W.Steunenberg, B.
Berglund (medew.)
Dimitrova, A. (medew.)
Kaeding, M. (medew.)
Mastenbroek, E. (medew.)
Meuwese, A. (medew.)
Romeijn, M. (medew.)
Organisatie / Institution
WODCUniversiteit Leiden, Departement Publiekrecht
Serie / Series
WODC Rapport 1124Trefwoorden / Keywords
SpanjeWet- en regelgeving
Vergelijkend onderzoek
Europese unie
Show full item recordTitel / Title
De omzetting van Europese richtlijnenOndertitel / Subtitle
Instrumenten, technieken en processen in zes lidstaten vergelekenSamenvatting
Het EU-recht neemt een steeds grotere plaats in en bepaalt voor meer dan 50% de Nederlandse rechtsorde. De implementatie van richtlijnen kost de nodige tijd en moeite. Een discussie is gaande over de wijze waarop en de snelheid waarmee implementatie plaats kan vinden. In 2006 an English translation was published by Wolf Legal Publishers, under the titel: The Transposition of EC Directives: A comparative study of instruments, techniques and processes in six Member States (see Link Wolf Legal Publishers on the right)Summary
In 2004, the Research and Documentation Centre (WODC) of the Ministry of Justice commissioned a group of researchers attached to the departments of Public Law and Public Administration Science at Leiden University to conduct a research project concerning the transposition of European directives in several Member States (Denmark, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany and Italy). The project was to focus special attention on the various legal instruments used in these countries and the manner in which these instruments affect the timeliness of transposition. The present report contains the results of this research project. Index Acknowledgements Summary and conclusions 1. Rationale and structure of the research project 2. Transposition of directives in the Netherlands 3. Transposition and the performance records of the various member states 4. Instruments and techniques 5. The national policy cycle 6. Discussions in the countries studied 7. Decisive factors in the transposition process 8. Conclusions and recommendations 9. Denmark 10. France 11. Spain 12. United Kingdom 13. Germany 14. Italy References Glossary of terms Members of the Advisory CommitteeUitgever / Publisher
Universiteit LeidenPublicatiedatum / publication date
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